Police and forensic examiners have removed a body from a boarded up school in the 1600 block of East Pratt Street
MCP officer observed a vehicle hit another vehicle in the area of New Hampshire Avenue and Lockwood Drive. The striking vehicle then hit a police cruiser and left the scene.
MCP officers responded to Margarita Bar & Grill in the 19200 block of Frederick Rd. for the report of a shooting. Preliminarily, one male suspect in custody and no injuries have been reported
Officers responded to the 6400 Blk of Marlboro Pike in District Heights for a reported armed robbery. There is no confirmation at this time regarding suspect information. The victim was not injured during the incident. The investigation is currently ongoing
ROAD RAGE W/SHOTS FIRED AT A CITIZEN VEHICLE: 4800 Bl. of Marlboro Pk. Coral Hills, MD. @PGPDNews on scene investigating a shooting with a citizen vehicle being struck by gunfire. No injuries reported
METRO BUS COLLISION W/MULTIPLE VEHICLES STRUCK: 4800 Bl. of Indian Head Hwy. @MetroTransitPD on scene investigating an auto collision with a Metro Bus hitting multiple vehicles. This was an occupied Bus with passengers. Severity of injuries unknown. Bus driver transported.
Baltimore Firefighters are fighting a house fire in East Baltimore.
3 Woche zuvorInvestigators found evidence of the shooting at the intersection of West Talbott Street and Leadenhall Street. The gunshot victim took himself to a local hospital to receive treatment for his injuries, according to a BPD press statement
District detectives are investigating a shooting on Leadenhall Street in South Baltimore
3 Woche zuvorBaltimore firefighters battled a two-alarm fire in the 4200 block of Shannon Drive during a snowstorm on Tuesday.
Hyattsville Middle School 6000 Bl. of 42nd Ave. Hyattsville, MD. @HyattsvillePD along with assistance from @PGPDNews are on scene investigating reports of a student armed with a weapon. Nothing has been found so far
3 Woche zuvorMan shot at the Exxon gas station on the 5700 block of Annapolis Rd in Bladensburg. Police confirm a car owner was shot and taken to the hospital with gunshot wounds
Man shot at the Exxon gas station on the 5700 block of Annapolis Rd in Bladensburg. Police confirm a car owner was shot and taken to the hospital with gunshot wounds
CRITICAL SHOOTING IN BLADENSBURG: 57th Ave. & Annapolis Rd. Bladensburg, MD. @BladensburgPD on scene investigating a shooting with an adult male transported Pri-1 with critical gunshot wound injuries
Bladensburg Pd is on scene of an incident at 57th Ave & Annapolis Rd in Bladensburg Md with a man located suffering from GSW’s to the neck & chest during an attempt carjacking. He is critical but conscious & breathing.
The Prince George’s County Police Department is investigating after an 11th grade student at Potomac High School in Oxon Hill brought two handguns onto school property today. The 19-year-old student is identified as Jamel Curtis of Oxon Hill
Die Proteste begannen am Freitag an einer Highschool im Baltimore County, nachdem ein Lehrer angeblich in den sozialen Medien einen Beitrag gepostet hatte, in dem er hispanische Schüler über die US-Einwanderungs- und Zollbehörde (ICE) ins Visier nahm.
Outer loop of I-495 at Landover Rd in PG County— the victim was found pulled over on the shoulder by Maryland State Police with a couple of stab wounds & was taken to a trauma center. Injuries do not sound life-threatening
Baltimore Police have forced entry into a home in the 800 block of Dumbarton Avenue
Police responded to a report of a shooting on Alto Road Thursday morning. It's unclear if there was a gunshot victim or simply a person who ran from gunfire. Crime lab technicians went to the site to collect evidence
Police are investigating a shooting after finding a gunshot victim on Alto Road in Northwest Baltimore
3 arrested, shooter sought in Columbia teen's killing
CRITICAL AUTO COLLISION W/PEDESTRIAN STRUCK & CPR IN PROGRESS: 7500 Bl. of Greenbelt Rd. Greenbelt, MD. @greenbeltpolice on scene investigating an auto collision with an individual driving a vehicle striking a pedestrian
1 Monat zuvorTEEN INJURED IN CRITICAL INJURY CRASH: East Village Ave & Dry Ridge Rd in Montgomery Village— the teen driver of a Dodge Charger crashed into a tree at high speeds & sustained critical injuries. (now unresponsive) All of East Village Ave is shutdown
Baltimore Firefighters are fighting a house fire in West Baltimore.
Investigators say the woman – identified as 37-year-old Edna Lyles of Accokeek – was found inside suffering from gunshot wounds. She was pronounced dead at the scene.
Highpoint High School 3600 Bl. of Powder Mill Rd. Beltsville, MD. @PGPDNEWS on scene investigating reports of a student possibly armed with a gun. The school is currently on lockdown while searches are taking place
Homicide SHOOTING NEAR ACCOKEEK: 15700 Bl. of Livingston Rd. Near Accokeek, MD. @PGPDNews on scene investigating a shooting with an adult female pronounced dead on scene from gunshot wound injuries
Officers are on the scene of a fatal shooting that occurred in the 15700 block of Livingston Road
CITIZEN ROBBED & ASSAULTED BY MAN W/BASEBALL BAT: IAO 600 Bl. of Washington Blvd. Laurel, MD. @LaurelPD on scene investigating an armed robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken and assaulted by an individual armed with a baseball bat